How does Music Affect our Brain?

No doubt music is a source of pleasure for every human. Many researchers researching How does music affects our brain? Music is an ancient art that has been from the beginning of time. Have you ever wondered why we all love listening to music? That is because certain music has certain effects on our minds. Music infiltrates our minds & highlights our emotions. We have all different types of emotions & likewise, we have all different types of music in our lives. The music & songs we listen to in our daily lives have strong connections with our minds.
Brain studies have shown that listening to music can help reduce anxiety, depression, sadness, blood pressure, and pain & it also improves your mood and sleep quality.
How does music affect our brain? Studies reveal that when music first reaches our brain through our ear, it triggers a pleasure or a happy feeling, resulting in dopamine release. Dopamine is a hormone secreted by our brain & it is responsible for our happy moods & positive feelings. Music not just helps us in having a good mood or relaxing from our daily life activities; various studies it proof that music also helps us in medical & clinical ways; as we know, music helps us to be relaxed, which helps in boosting the immune system which makes antibodies & cells that protect us from various bacterias & other body invaders. Music also plays a vital role in brain development. It has been shown that activities such as playing music or making certain sounds with the help of musical instruments increase the volume of grey matter in certain areas of our brain.
Since the beginning of time, music and dancing have played a very important role in people’s ability to communicate and celebrate events together; with calming & joyful music involved on certain occasions, people come to a better understanding of each other which allows them to bond together & enjoy certain events to their fullest.
It turned out that whether it’s jazz, rock ‘n’ roll, or classical music, our minds always prefer the music we like ourselves. For a while, researchers believed that classical music increased brain activity and made its listeners smarter, a phenomenon which is called the Mozart effect. But it is not necessarily true because, In recent studies, they’ve found that people with dementia respond better to the music they grew up listening to. “If you play someone’s favorite music, different parts of their brain light up & their eyes start to sparkle” this shows that certain music is associated with our emotional feelings & memories, which will never fade out in our lifetime.
What can music do for us? Following are the examples of what are the things in which music helps us in our daily lives,
Music can change your ability to perceive time; it can tap you into primal fear, reduce seizures, make you a better communicator, make you stronger, boost your immune system, assist in repairing brain damage, make you smarter, evoke memories & more. Now let us talk about the psychological effects of music on the brain. A prominent brain researcher at Northwestern University, Nina Kraus, says that “music is a resource that tones the brain for auditory fitness.” She says, “music training leads to changes throughout the auditory system that prime musicians for listening challenges beyond music processing.” The researchers in her laboratory say that music training works for our brain and how exercise works for our body. During this recent crisis of covid-19, music played a vital role in calming the masses worldwide.
The use of music in healing and relieving stress in African traditional societies is as old as the origin of the African Continent. This provides a theoretical basis for Music Therapy in Africa and concludes that Music Therapy has yielded fruitful results in various parts of Nigeria. In the African continent, music has always been used for calming & relieving stress in patients with depression and cardiac disorder conditions.
In Nigeria, music is used to lift the spirits of patients confined in the hospitals with the lockdown & give them spiritual healings. Music played an integral role at that time. Peter Oluwadare, a young violinist, said that “it was scary to be so close to the pandemic, but he said that the music helped him conquer his fear.” It was refreshing to see the affected people and healthcare workers, you know, revitalized with the music, Oluwadare said. “I feel so honoured to play there.” Hence we can say that music helps us a lot in our daily lives with its amazing power to enlighten our deep emotions & gives us hope & strength through its lyrics. Music helps people by connecting them through strong bonds. Different types of music create different singing & dancing cultures.

Music Production Today

Mz Menneh New Hairstyle

Music production is the process by which music is penned, registered, followed, and reserved for allocation and entertainment. Tune makers recreate an essential part of the recreation ambition. They can handle the whole procedure of creating music, and without them, the grade recording would not be feasible. The tune initiative works via a grid of companies and people on the imaginative flank (artists, musicians, and artists), the customer-focused flank (broadcast platforms and social platforms such as the radio), and the industry flank, with two references (designations, leaders).
The highest transformation in African tune exhibitions is that artists no longer require a studio to document. Yet, sessions in registering studios were costly. Music is documented at live shows while artists simultaneously combine the tune.
Exhibition music libraries normally suggest an expansive variety of music classes and genres, permitting producers to realize different genres of music within the exact library. Music libraries range in scope from a rare hundred paths to a thousand. The party originally recreated music in the noiseless flick. African producers utilize a mixture of sounds. The harmonies are brief, redundant, and retain yodels, a unique African fashion. A solo artist usually creates unique songs while the ensemble resumes with the actual music composing a polyphonic essay. Most African melody has hierarchies equal to European music, so we feel a mixed manner that is truly affordable. Multiple records of African music highlight rhythm and beat is unquestionably a part of music located worldwide, so it is effortless to ship. Technology has provided countless worth to seeing entities of music. Apart from the classic music tape, we see a continued development of graphic albums where each melody is attended by tape or visuals. An instance of a graphic album is Beyoncé’s Lemonade. Live shows or music tapes filmed in 3D and manipulated with VR mirrors are also famous. It is likely to conclude that in the subsequent 20 years, music could not have formed without the collaboration of a combination of producers. It also shows that the African music enterprise will need more funding given this situation, as tape production is more expensive than audio production. But the economic situation that many African producers face in demand to invest in a videotape today is an important projection of forthcoming albums, actually though video exhibition is more costly than it was 20 years ago.
African music has a hopeful tomorrow. It can grow and encourage the civilization of many nations. But producers need the support of their nations and the private sector to remain competitive. While it is an ongoing chance to market itself with the blossoming of the latest technologies, crime control and producers bear some of the challenges that can hope for in the hereafter. Yet, African producers will notice more possibilities for cooperation as the net resumes to shatter material and cultural frontiers. With standard technology, music becomes an essential aspect of our energies: we hear it when we go to any position, go to groups, examine when we exert, and many other scenes. Yet we see more periodic people wandering the avenues having choices because of its notes. There are still producers who wish that their stories will motivate a transformation. African music Traditionally, music has played an essential part in African civilization and yore. If you visit any part of the civilization, you can see that music is necessary for expressing their estate. Unlike many civilizations today, old African civilizations brought music into their daily lives.

How does Music Connect People

Music was a pre-existing wording, as well as prehistoric art. It was one of the earlier norms of transmission. Music was an unusual feature in ancient societies and part of good sociable concerns. Anthropologists have confirmed that the foremost cultures with a powerful music habit blossomed while other non-musical practices worked to survive. One of the bases for this is that music produces strong feelings and understanding of troubles. We associate strong emotions with growth (reproduction and life), which is why traditionally, music societies have been capable of thriving more useful. Music controls their emotions, permits important transmissions, and facilitates people to link with and sustain other associates of their society.

When examining the African theme, the term “conventional music” is used by African countries to define aspects of African music before the colonial strategy, which was general in the late nineteenth century. This pre-colonial period was the maximum of sociable modification and power. The top African kingdoms and empires advanced and failed, and many of their rules and customs are always dominant in African towns today. The musical capacity to unite people and encourage good social connections is a testament to what ensued when Percussion Play Denmark created a communal music garden for the senior villagers, callers, and regional children to enjoy jointly.
Liberia’s music is extensive and miscellaneous to the continent’s provinces, polities, and racial groups.

The African mainland populates about 20% of the world’s ground space and has residents of about 934 million. African music is as various as a civilization and blooms shape people in many regional patterns and outward sways. African music also helps link people in other ways and maintain the social material, supporting people’s dedication to helping each other and the residents in health and wealth. Is. Another essential part of music in Africa is in the form of transmission.
In the early days of the African epidemic, the globe saw Africans reaching out of their terrace to sing the national anthem, occasionally recreated by an opera star. But the result is not restricted to Africans: COVID-19 has made a multinational music retort, a ‘wonderful’ comeback that is instrumental in creating music.

Although there are numerous tune styles in Liberia, a country in Africa, there are many familiar music formats, particularly in the areas. The image of the music in Africa varies in different parts and civilizations, specifically in sub-Saharan Africa. In sub-Saharan Africa, the functions of music and hop are intertwined, and the theme unites all life factors, representing life via sound. By permitting to mark important points in life, music helps to emphasize the sacred effectiveness and lasting life of someone.
When we hear to recreate music, our body dismisses dopamine. These are the “delight” hormones implicated in regulating perspective. Music drives us to touch truly pleased. Singing, tapping, and jigging all donate to the ‘enjoyment hormone’ of the human senses. So, creating music makes us feel happy than singing alone.

Music permits us to convey ourselves; not all music uses terms, but all tunes can form our touch. People who form music can use music to represent themselves. Yet, performers are not the only ones who satisfy. Listeners can usually empathize with the music they hear to. This means that somebody can also transmit by just hearing. The integrated music setting entitles us to partake in an integrated genre, invariant with a little listening. The music combines us because it is obtainable all over the world. No issue where you are in the world transmits in the music industry with others will certainly put a smile on your face.

Music is an essential piece of famous civilization, it delights us, so it is a useful platform for examining colonial problems. The shows operate very nicely because the artists have the option to speak to gatherings of people. For colonial networking to have its sources, it must be hugged by a great crowd of people, and someone is more likely to acquire these messages if their equivalents answer them.

Modern Music’s Impact on Society

Mz Menneh in 1920's Outfit

Do you ever pay attention to music and discover yourself moved so extremely that you’re particularly in tears? Have you ever been to a live concert that turned your bad day into a pleasant one? Have you ever caught music that stimulated you? The song has the energy to make a move and change us. Music has been used for a multitude of functions. On occasion, it’s created for a purpose. It is also able to soothe and arouse our emotions. It can tell, protect the community, express feelings, express injustice, show love, or express hatred. It can also make you or me unhappy; it could be celebrating life, mourning death, honor, patriotism, or grief. In the end, the music expresses the breadth of human enjoyment. There are songs about nearly everything.
As skilled musicians, it is no question that so multiple of us can find music to be an eager voice in shaping the man or the woman we’ve grown to become over time. Hence, in return, it’s almost our assumed efforts to make a legitimate right way to be boosted to the next era, affecting them and influencing our society in rescue with our music.
In Africa, music is a recreational movement where almost everyone participates. The music emphasizes African importance and the mixed cultures associated with music. Many momentous occasions are marked with music, whether it be a marriage, a birthday, or a passing ceremony. There are work tunes related to digging, cutting, and harvesting. There are songs of praise and criticism and songs about the past. Music is usually performed outside, on the roads, in the yards, or on the courts.
The famous music of our day echoes our nowadays tradition. We will catch the fingerprints of a certain era inside the verses and songs of that term. One of the most obvious examples of how the “#SELFIE” music uses string is a clear statement of the young people and the culture of the actors of our day. And in this new era, our civilization is converting and changing ways more often than ever earlier. Curiously, the fact is that it wasn’t always like this. With today’s technology, music has emerged as an extra part of our life which reviews that: we pay attention to it & listen to it at the same time as riding to our work or home, when we go to parties, when we study, while we work out, and in so many other scenes.
The competition for the right song, the tempo, and the agencies becomes a set of team ownership, evoking strong emotions, interacting with the audience, and collecting corruption to oust the group and the people. It can make us a perfect companion for social change and maturity. In Africa, NGOs, bands, and individual decisions are chosen to make a difference in music.
Mother Africa can be said to be a land of miscellaneous music. Any form of African music plays an essential role which is why the presence of this is because the people of Africa acknowledge that the intention of anything gives meaning, and its existence is the object itself. Mother Africa hosts three genres of classical music. Traditional music comprises all traditional or traditional music that acts as a media portrait of African people.
Many things help to build a person’s character. However, music plays a vital role in regulating what is right or wrong. What if the lyrics contain upbuilding messages? What if they become psalms proclaiming dreams and happiness? We can influence the intelligence of the next cause that the power of music should capture. Overflowing joy with the words they listen to, certain music, and songs because, in short, music greatly affects society to influences culture, morals, and emotions. Therefore, the greater deliberate we connect with our sounds, the more we create more passion and liberate them through our music, and the more we will be able to make the deeper positive impacts. We have the power as artists to swap the world around us because of the effect we have, the message we convey, and the meanings of our songs that make music the thing worth giving life to.
The role of music in African society depends on the type of music. Spiritual music encourages worshipers to express their devotion to the gods. African religious songs have three parts: Revival, Thanksgiving, and use. Apart from these, many religious songs teach good manners, emphasizing the need for good deeds. And abandoning evil deeds. Through this work, African composers, especially composers of highlife songs and philosophers, are working to redefine the lost culture through their music.
Music has the opportunity to change our attitude, create a happy atmosphere, and encourage us in a variety of behaviors. People on standard listen to two hours of music each day! Just think of what type of tune style you have in our emotions all over the day, whether we agree with it? With this role of emotional effect, the most specific thing you need to understand is: How do I feel when I hear music, and if I am an artist, how do I want my audience to feel when they hear this music?
The connection between African music and society has been positive, cooperative, and supportive. In this healthy combination, each feeds the other, and both are merged in an inseparable union bond when one intervenes without the other. Each enjoys its state of existence, but ethics come as a parameter to measure the value of any African music. Not surprisingly, morality is a happy African slave girl.

Rape Violation in Africa

Mz Menneh Reading Book

Rape is a form of violence where sex is used as a weapon. Rape is a forced act by any person, regardless of the person’s relationship with the victim. Rape occurs when a person has sex with someone who does not consent or force it. We can also describe rape as a process of violence, force and control. There are many cases of rape in Africa; sadly, most of them are not reported to the police because of the emotional trauma and the fact that the rapist is a relative of the victim and if they are reported, they may retaliate. In the United States, African-American women share the same risk of rape.

In contrast, Native American women may be a higher threat, and Asian American women may be in less danger from or due to discriminatory consent to report rape. Although women of all ages are raped, the significant hazard arises in their teenagers and soon in their twenties. In addition, incidents of rape are associated with high levels of alcohol and sexual activity with a partner.

Rape is an extensive problem in Africa. In Africa, rape and ravishment are the most common cause of death. More information on rape rates is related to men who rape women.  Nigeria has also seen an enhancement in sexual violence during displacement. Two happened recently, in which young women were sexually violated and murdered.

Photographer Sarah Mudgli, 37 years old, a mother of two who lives in the big city of Nigeria, is still recovering from the trauma of the rape that happened ten years ago. She told the BBC Africa Women’s Affairs journalist Esther Akilo Ogula about her grief. “During the 2010 FIFA World Cup in Africa, I was abused by my ex-boyfriend. My ex-boyfriend physically and emotionally abused me for about 18 months before he dared to leave me. I had threatened to walk many times before but tried every time. He will be violent. He would kick me, sometimes strangle me and bite me. He kept threatening that if I dared to leave him, I would rape my daughters and kill them in front of me. He even scolded me once. I did not tell anyone because I was ashamed and embarrassed that I could not stand on my own. My divorce also separated me from my friends and family, weakened my self-confidence, and my ex-boyfriend reassured me that my friends and family didn’t care. I also believed that he would harm my children.”

Liberia also declares a national rape emergency. Most of the rapists in Liberia are men over 18 who know the victim. Most of the perpetrators are members of the community and, in some cases, close relatives of the victim. “The embarrassment from the rape violence’s by a community or family member prevented most victims from reporting the case,” the report said. The report also states that about 80% of all victims in Liberia were under 18, with at least five incidents occurring in less than five years. According to the report, children are unintentionally targeted: “Reports of child rape may be high because they are shocking. They are not affected by racist attitudes.

The culture of rape affects us all, regardless of gender, economic status, race, religion or age. Breaking it means leaving behind limited definitions of sex and sexuality, limiting a person’s right to express themselves and their feelings. I am Mz Menneh, and I strongly condemn this act. I urge the African government to prevent rape by taking steps such as those that play a crucial role in preventing domestic violence cases, focusing on challenges and shortcomings affecting government efforts. It provides policy recommendations on how the African government, non-governmental organizations, researchers, and donors can improve the performance of violence in Africa.

Music Propaganda in Political Races

Music and political wars have been used together in many political and cultural contexts to reach the intended audience to deliver a particular political message. The very nature of politics is, like music, rooted in conflict and harmony. Both music & politics seek to inspire their targets, and both have made great use of the other to advance their ideas. While we encourage you all to go out and vote for your favorite politician, we also thought it would be an excellent time to examine. As described by Paul A. Smith, political warfare is “the use of political means to force an opponent to do his will, usually through words, images, and ideas.” Music is helpful because it creates an easy and memorable note on how to deliver the message you want. Music is instrumental in propaganda. Jacques Ellul stated that for propaganda to be effective, it must “fill every day of every citizen and every day.” Since music is often regarded as a hobby, it is rarely considered threatening as some propaganda channels and as a form of entertainment. Result messages can usually be transmitted confidentially without explicit recognition. In campaigns, music may feature anti-establishment or protest themes, including anti-war songs and pro-establishment ideas, such as national anthems, patriotic songs, and politics. Many of these songs can be called the best songs.

Liberia’s presidential aspirants have caused unprecedented division in the musical circle – as many musicians are using the spotlight to let their fans know whose tune they are dancing to and canvassing voters at every opportunity. Protest music has always been a basic form of political expression in Liberia. And in times of political and social turmoil, it becomes an important refuge – for artists, as a way to release their frustrations and beliefs and for listeners who need to cry. Popular music has a long and varied association with politics. It provided the voice of political protest and became a political test. But while these most common aspects of pop political connections have been noted over time, they have not received much scholarly attention. There are other aspects of the relationship – the state’s role as a sponsor of popular music. They are not very well received. This article explores various aspects of the interaction between popular music and politics and states that the study of music can affect our understanding of political thinking and actions. Like music in Liberia, the nature of politics is based on conflict and harmony. The heart of music is physical and mental communication because the balance between you creates everything that is connected. Consensus is also at the heart of the political process, which seeks to find standard solutions to social problems through open communication and peace. They both deal with their confidence as they choose to embark on their play activities. As we urge you to go out and vote today, we thought it would be an excellent time to see how music and politics are intertwined.

The impact of music has made many African politicians, including dictators, use it as the background of their political goals. This thesis explores how artists help rebuild to impose tyranny through Yahya Jammeh’s regime in the Gambia (1994 to 2016) case. This research is based on the work of related experts as well as in-depth discussions built with eleven respondents (six influential artists, two DJs (TV/radio presenters), and top three(formerly) government officials) as the primary sources of data. Five songs that burn the political grass are too selected and analyzed to understand the talks they are broadcasting. In Liberia, music and artists play an essential role in history. The full impact of music permeates all aspects of Liberian society and is at the heart of social and cultural life throughout the continent (Onyebadi, 2019, p. XV; Fayola & Fleming, 2012). Almost all individual or collective activities in African societies. And the Ian Index of the different roles of musical instruments in dance-related African communities. For example, listening to music is common on religious, formal, and festive occasions for farmers, bunkers, and other professionals in African societies. In modern Africa, the only rule is the essential aspect of music. Onyebadi (2019) argues that “perhaps, there is no place for human activity and work in Africa with music. They are more widespread, invisible, and powerful than the political arena. Popular music found around the world contains political messages such as those relating to social issues and racism. For example, Lady Gage’s song “Born This Way” is commonly known as the international gay hymn, as it constructively discusses homosexuality and conveys the idea that it is natural. In addition, the natural disaster of Hurricane Katrina received a significant political response from the Hip hop music community. The content of the music turned out to be a reflection of the complex evolution of society, especially the black community, while also creating a sometimes-contr oversial protest over how to handle the tragedy afterward. 

Domestic Violation in Africa

The escalation of domestic violence against women is undoubtedly one of the country’s biggest health concerns. Understanding its meaning can help you take positive action against its many manifestations of abuse. In some cases, abusers may not even realize that they are abusing another person. On the other hand, the victims may not be taking action against their abusers if they do not realize that the behavior they are experiencing is domestic violence.

Major categories of Domestic Violence against women include forced marriage, marital rape, sexual harassment, intimidation at work and in educational institutions, forced pregnancy, forced abortion, physical abuse, etc.

One-third of all women have experienced physical or sexual abuse at home in Africa. In addition, every eight hours, a domestic partner kills a woman in Africa. This happens when women go out without permission, neglect children, argue, refuse to have sex, or burn food.

The emotional and psychological abuse of women in Africa is rising day by day and can have severe short-term and long-term consequences. This type of abuse can affect both your physical and mental health. You may experience confusion, anxiety, embarrassment, guilt, constant crying, excessive obedience to the rules, powerlessness, etc.

Let’s take a look at the recent tragedy that happened in Nigeria.

Mrs. Osinachi Nwachukwu was a well-known Nigerian singer, songwriter, Minister of God, and producer of Christian worship music was a spirit-filled Nigerian gospel artist and singer with the voice of FIRE. Osinachi passed away at the age of 42 because of complications resulting from domestic violence. Her husband tortured her, and her husband taught their children that it was good to beat a woman. Police arrested her husband.

Close friends and family members have revealed that the Late Osinachi Nwachukwu was usually physically assaulted by her husband. The hubby was also said to have inflicted emotional abuse on the deceased gospel singer. People close to Osinachi Nwachukwu have accused her husband of being responsible for her death. She had suffered various injuries from when he assaulted her.

“He has been beating her”: Osinachi’s sister confirms domestic violence accusations.

In an interview with Vanguard Newspaper, Osinachi’s sister confirmed that Osinachi’s husband had kicked her in the chest. She said that the acclaimed artist “did not die of cancer.” Made claimed that following the assault, her husband took her to the hospital without notifying her family. Doctors also confirmed that the singer died after battling clusters of blood on her chest, which she suffered after being kicked.

She kept every secret and prayed in her heart that her husband would change one day. Nobody knew that she was going through hell in her marriage until her death, and that was when news started flying, and all the hidden secrets began coming out. Police have arrested the husband of a top Nigerian gospel singing star, Osinachi Nwachukwu after she died in an Abuja hospital on Friday.

I am Mz Menneh, and I strongly condemn this act. I urge the African government on domestic violence prevention to take such steps that play a crucial role in preventing domestic violence cases, focusing on challenges and shortcomings affecting government efforts. Provides policy recommendations on how the African government, non-governmental organizations, researchers, and donors can enhance the effectiveness of violence in Africa through the interdisciplinary framework to develop and implement programs that deal with continual violence.

The Untold Choice of Africans

Since the Stone Age to till now the era of modernism, the most discussed continent of the world is Africa. It is the second-largest continent in the world, the most exciting and skilful continent globally. This continent gave the world some unmatchable and forgettable personalities like Nelson Mandela, Usain Boult, Luther King, Serena Williams, etc. It is the most visited place by the British and American in the era of Slavery.
Apart from plenty of qualities of Africa, we will only talk about the Music and Lifestyle of the Africans. Before knowing about the beautiful music and lifestyle of the Africans, make one thing clear in your mind that the choice of Africans cannot compete and it is simply splendid.
The history of African Music has its roots back in ancient Egypt. One thing is quite sure today’s music is far different from the older African Music. It has seen plenty of changes. Music is one of the most important parts of African’s lives. They can live without a profession, but without music, they can’t just imagine living. Music is running in African’s lives like blood in veins. As far as African’s choice is concerned, that is just splendid and outstanding. Music is involved in their rituals, customs, religion, routine life, and in fact, in everything.
HipCo is one of the most famous music used in African culture. This music has its roots in the renowned African country Liberia, enriched with natural resources. The notable point is that HipCo music is performed in Liberian English, widely used as a mode of communication all around Africa. This form of music came into origin in the 1980s. Over time it continued to develop. Now, it has become one of the most famous genres of African culture. This genre of music is widely used by singers, musicians, and rappers to present or highlight social injustice and social ills in front of the public. In other words, the HipCo is a source of expressing feelings and emotions.
One of the important points is that Christian music is also very famous in Africa. This music was introduced in Africa by the American Missionaries. Christian songs now have become a part of African culture. Now this music is sung with a mix-up of American harmonies and African languages. Moreover, African Music uses polyrhythm, ululation, and vocal harmony to produce beautiful beats and lyrics.
Another popular music in Africa is Highlife. This music is a mixture of North American, Latin American, and West African. The origin of this music is in the 1950s in Ghana and Liberia. Besides this, the famous African music genres involve Afrobeat, Afrohouse, Amapiano, Apala Azonto, etc.
On the other hand, the most famous musical instruments involve Rhythmic idiophones, slit drums, Xylophones, Lamella phones, Lutes, Fiddles, Harp lutes, Lyres, Flutes, Trumpets, etc. These are the instruments that are used in all types of African music.
Let’s now have a birds-eye view of the fantastic lifestyle of African society. The life of Africa is very close to nature as there is plenty of forest present there. From their dress sense to their choice of shoes, everything is attractive and according to the cultural values. The Ankara is the most widely used dress by the Africans. It covers half of the top of the body. There is a massive difference between the urban and rural dresses of Africans.
The point to remember is that one can see a glimpse of American culture in the lifestyle of the Africans. For the women, the most attractive dress is Djellaba which is also found in Gulf countries.
Last but not least, Africans live a very simple life. They are far from the materialistic approach of the recent era. For them, Kinship and family are above all. They do respect their elders and love their children. They are very religious. Love to sing-song and dance. Play music in every ceremony of the society. Do Gossip and enjoy their routine life.
To conclude, after watching the African culture closely, one can undoubtedly remark that it can confirm that Africans don’t have luxury cars, houses, and cell phones still. They are wealthy from the heart. They live happily in their society with their own rules and regulations. Africans are honest, loving, caring, and friendly.


Mz Menneh: Babysitting A Man Is Not My Portion

Mz Menneh trips to Atlanta

When it comes to dating a man who isn’t financially secure, Mz Menneh expresses her disapproval. The well-known African musician opened up about her past relationships, expressing her dissatisfactions with those relationships. According to the artist, “A man has to be worth at least a million dollars in order to date me, because I’m currently working on my million dollar goal and am very close to reaching it. Second, my X was broke and refused to contribute even when the opportunity was presented to him, which drained the life out of me because I was forced to take care of everything for him on a financial level. As a result, when God lifted the burden from my shoulders, I had to flee and swear to myself that I would never do it again.” Having made her debut on the music scene in 2012, Mz Menneh has continued to put in the effort ever since. Many awards and accolades have been bestowed upon her for her hit singles, which include ZOMOH, BEST FROM NIMBA, and other titles. For best traditional artist in 2017, she was awarded the most prestigious Liberia Music Award; for best Liberian traditional artist in 2018, she was nominated for the same award by the Tunes Liberia organization for best Liberian traditional artist. Country Geh, Mz Menneh’s debut studio album, was released on June 1, 2019, by Menneh Records. The album was selected for display on the State of Minnesota Library’s website after being selected from hundreds of submissions. In November 2017, she had the distinction of being the first Liberian to perform at the Hollywood & African Prestigious Awards, which were held in Los Angeles at the Beverly Hilton Hotel (HAPAwards). Mz Menneh went on to become the first Liberian artist to be recognized with a HAPAward. She is currently the founder and CEO of Country Geh clothing, which she founded in 2005. The artist has been working nonstop. As she has re-entered the dating scene, she has brought with her a higher level of expectations and standards. “I didn’t come from a wealthy family and I had a child at a young age, but I didn’t let that hold me back and I deleted my entire life, working twice as hard as I did as a single mother and on my career.” She added. so I’m not allowed to babysit any man!”

Menneh in Atlanta - Blue dress
Mz Menneh in Blue Dress

Mz Menneh Drops New Single “Bomoh”

Mz Menneh New Song


Mz Menneh has returned with yet another smash hit. After months of teasing and anticipation, the well-known African singer finally releases her new single “Bomoh.” On the seductive neotraditional jam, which was produced by a Ugandan producer, the artist sings entirely in Kpelle, her local language. The song embodies the true flavor of neotraditional music in its entirety. It is not a meaningless pop hook… It’s a melody that has twists and turns and atmosphere, and it’s authentic Mz Menneh, just like her song Tumoh. According to the singer, “I was just chilling and narrating a story when it happened. I’m hoping all of my fans around the world enjoy it.” Bomoh is available on all digital platforms.

Check out my new song on the below link:


Mz Menneh New Song - Bomoh
Mz Menneh - Bomoh
Mz Menneh New Song